With Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, expecting their second baby in April, the question on everybody’s mind is will it be a boy or a girl? Here at Prop Dead Gorgeous® we are prepared for both eventualities, with ornate cribs and lavish thrones fit for Royalty! What’s more, we’ve got more British bunting and red roses than you can shake a stick at, so we can cover everything from opulent outdoor events to sumptuous soirees.
Believe it or not, we don’t have all of this stored up ‘just in case’… With a little help from the team at Crafty Arty Parties, we really do produce parties for Royalty! So if you’d like to make sure that your party is fit for a Prince, contact gemma.taylor@propdeadgorgeous.com to discuss a peerless prop package!