With the festive season truly upon us, the Prop Dead Gorgeous team have been out and about creating some of the most magical and memorable parties across the UK and Europe.
From astonishing Christmas Castles complete with Singing Drawbridge, Cirque de Soleil Carnivals, Parties at the Palace, to Corporate ‘Naughty or Nice’ Grottos for Adults – YES adults…..you heard it here first!
With the New Year now just around the corner, our new theming concepts for 2015 are well past the drawing board stage and in January, we start all over again. You can read all about our latest ventures with our sister company Big Footfall as seen in Shopping Centre Magazine out in February as well as our Spring Edition No 2 of CAW Business (Don’t forget to let us know if you want a FREE copy).
In the mean time with hundreds of successful parties done and dusted, props packed, unpacked and packed again and just a mere 12 more corporate events to go between now and the big day, life is never dull at Prop Dead Gorgeous HQ!
For more information, email gemma.taylor@propdeadgorgeous.com.